Leading and Loving Children

The fundamental goal of Christian parents ought to be guiding their children to a saving and transformational faith in Christ, and to set them on a path to spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:13; Proverbs 22:6).


Catechism is a systematic instruction in the formate of simple Q&A. It is a tried and true method for nurturing spiritual development.

This resource is meant to help parents guide their children in the Christian growth. It is also a great way to prepare children for confirmation into the Christian faith - where they have an opportunity to accept these truths for themselves.

John Wesley’s advice to parents:

Is not this the very principle that should be inculcated upon every human creature, — “You are made to be happy in God,” as soon as ever reason dawns? Should not every parent, as soon as a child begins to talk, or to run alone, say something of this kind: “See! what is that which shines so over your head? That we call the sun. See, how bright it is! Feel how it warms you! It makes the grass to spring, and everything to grow. But God made the sun. The sun could not shine, nor warm, nor do any good without him.” In this plain and familiar way a wise parent might, many times in a day, say something of God; particularly insisting, “He made you; and he made you to be happy in him; and nothing else can make you happy.” We cannot press this too soon.

Catechism for kids

Pulling from a variety of sources, the following is a short catechism for kids. Enjoy!

God made all things

Who made you?
Answer: God

How did God make you?
Answer: In His image

How does this comfort you?
Answer: I matter to God

Since everyone is made in God’s image, how should we treat them?
Answer: With kindness and respect

Who made all things?
Answer: God

How is God able to make all things?
Answer: He is Almighty

Who loves you even more than Mom and Dad?
Answer: God

Why did God make you?
Answer: To have a relationship with Him

How can you have a relationship with God?
Answer: By loving God

Can anything else make you happy forever?
Answer: No. Nothing is greater than God.

Do you need to be scared?
Answer: No

Why don’t you need to be scared?
Answer: God is with me

Can you see God?
Answer: No

Can God see you?
Answer: Yes

God is Three in One (Trinity)

How many gods are there?
Answer: One

How many persons are there in God?
Answer: Three

Who is the first person in God?
Answer: The Father

Who is the second person in God?
Answer: The Son

Who is the third person in God?
Answer: The Holy Spirit

Doing Bad Things (Sin)

Who were the first man and woman?
Answer: Adam and Eve

What did Adam and Eve do?
Answer: They sinned

What is sin?
Answer: Disobeying God

What is the consequence of sin?
Answer: Death

Whom did God send to save us from sin and death?
Answer: His only Son, Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Who is the Son of God?
Answer: Jesus Christ

Who was the mother of Jesus?
Answer: The virgin Mary

Who gave baby Jesus to Mary?
Answer: The Holy Spirit

Why did Jesus have to die? (Atonement)

How did Jesus die?
Answer: He was crucified on a cross

Why did Jesus die?
Answer: For our sins

What happened on the third day?
Answer: He rose again; came back to life

Because Jesus died and rose again, what do we believe?
Answer: He is Lord and Savior

Where did Jesus go?
Answer: To his Father in heaven

What is Jesus doing right now?
Answer: Ruling as king

Why is Jesus coming again?
Answer: To judge everyone

What must you do to be saved from judgement?
Answer: Believe in Jesus

What should you do if you sin?
Answer: Say sorry to God

Holy Spirit & The Church

Whom else did God send to save us?
Answer: The Holy Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do for you?
Answer: He helps me

How does the Holy Spirit help you?
Answer: Through the Church

What is the Church?
Answer: The family of God

How do you join the Church?
Answer: Through baptism


Whom does God want you to be like?
Answer: Jesus

What is God’s will for you in the first four commandments?
Answer: To love God

What is God’s will for you in the last six commandments?
Answer: To love my neighbor

Whom does God want you to obey?
Answer: Mom and Dad

What is prayer?
Answer: Talking with God

What did Jesus teach us to pray?
Answer: The Lord’s Prayer

How does God talk to you?
Answer: Through the Bible

What is the Bible?
Answer: God’s Word

Last Things

What is God making new?
Answer: All things

What will God raise from the dead?
Answer: Our bodies

What do we enjoy now and look forward to enjoying forever?
Answer: Eternal life

While a variety of resources were used to produce this short catechism, the primary one was take from Holy Joys, a Wesleyan source at: https://holyjoys.org/kids-catechism/. They also produce a children’s catechism book that you should consider adding to your family library.

A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith

A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith

This is a must for every Christian family library! Dr. Timothy Tennent, President of Asbury Theological Seminary, has produced this valuable resource.

Wesley’s Revision

Seven Keys to Catechism

Catechism for the GMC